I see him, but not in the present time. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel. It will crush the foreheads of Moab’s people, cracking the skulls of the people of Sheth. Numbers 24:17
I have an ongoing battle with the concept of “average.” For some reason, when I consider myself “below average” in something, then achieving “average” status becomes a beacon of hope. I have a blast learning to be average! However, as soon as I reach “average,” then I become insecure about being “just average.” It’s as if I believe that my worth [and corresponding significance] is equivalent to my placement in a statistic.
But what if my status of below, at, or above didn’t matter at all? What if I truly believed that my existence was significant based upon God’s grace and sacrifice, not my… anything? The truth is that I will be used for great things of eternal value regardless of everything.
In Numbers, chapters 22 through 24 we meet two men: Balak and Balaam. Balak was the king of Moab who was terrified by the massive force of Israelites approaching his kingdom. He was so terrified that he sent word to a Balaam requesting his help in placing a curse on God’s people to stop them. God told him not to curse the people He blessed BUT after a second request from Balak, Balaam agreed to go (partially out of a greedy heart) and do as God told him. Upon arriving, Balaam followed God’s command to BLESS, not curse, the Israelites.
Balaam, a sorcerer, who seemed to view God as one of many options, was used to bless God’s chosen people.
But he didn’t just bestow an ordinary blessing on the people. He was the one to prophesy the coming Messiah by making reference to the star the Magi (Wise Men) sought at Jesus’ birth!
“…A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel…” (Numbers 24:17b NLT)
God used a man who practiced a mixed bag of beliefs; who acknowledged God to be “Most High” and “Almighty” but also lived a life filled with questionable and dangerous choices. Balaam didn’t worry about being “good enough” to prophesy the Messiah. In fact, sorcery is condemned by God in several places in the Bible.
God used him.
God used him even though he wasn’t 100% sold on becoming a child of God.
God used him for good even when enemies sought to use him as a weapon.
God used him – a below average believer – to publicly acknowledge the Savior of the world.
If God can use a Balaam, it makes my “average” conundrum irrelevant. I don’t need to be the best parent in my kids’ school district. I could have faith the size of a mustard seed and still move mountains. Jesus even used a thief next to him on the cross to relay his message of grace. God will use me regardless. If it is His will, my enemies may bless me and I can be a blessing to those who wish to curse me. I will be significant not because of what I did but of what I am:
An average miracle.
So this year, my resolution is not to be above average – it is to be available – to any and every thing God may want to use me for.
Dear Lord, you made me and every day I am alive is a miracle. Thank you for blessing me by making me so much more than average in your eyes. I want to be a conduit of your grace, truth, mercy and love. Thank you for using me to bless others around me. Amen.