Messy Worship Blog


What Does Empathy Have to Do With Resilience?

If you had to list the qualities that make up resilience, what would you put on that list? Up until recently, my list would have been made up of words that were - for the most part - just synonyms for resilience. However, I'm currently 2/3rds of the way through a...

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Would You Rather: The Philemon Edition

One of my boys is obsessed with "Would You Rather..." questions. I have to admit - once I tried a few, I was kinda hooked, too. (Actually, I'm really hooked. I told my husband that we should have a Would You Rather date where we go out for dinner and discuss Would...

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What Does the Bible Say About How to Treat Women?

Some of you know this about me and some of you don't: I am the only female in my household (except for the hamster - stay strong, sister). Seeing as how God decided to bless me with only male children, I think about this question a lot: If they only remember ONE...

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Why Drink a Gallon of Water a Day?

Awhile back I had set a goal for myself to drink an entire gallon of water every day. Let me tell you - it's really, REALLY challenging. You have to try to find a way to remember how much is left to drink throughout the day. You have to pee every 30 minutes LIKE...

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Want to Simplify Your Parenting? Check this out.

On the first day of school this year, I got up early to read my Bible before I woke the kids up and all the craziness of the day began. The first day of school brings a whole mess of emotions with it (for me AND the kids) and I was feeling especially focused on my...

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How to Achieve Harmony in 4 Steps

I am a huuuuuuuuuge sucker for any post that promises to resolve my issue in just a few, simple steps. Anyone else with me on that? And, while it's not always a cure-all, those baby-stepped solutions always manage to help me out in at least one way: They remind me...

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I Should Do WHAT With My Weaknesses?!

You know Paul from the Bible? If you do know who that is then, chances are, you know at least two things about him. 1) He used to be known as "Saul" in his former career as a Christian-killer, and 2) he boasted about his weaknesses. (For those of you who don't know...

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